LLLab Pro is a laboratory for creating new educational approaches and methods for lifelong learning
Community of Practice
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Treat all methods like hypotheses that need to be tested. For every tool we added a design of an experiment and metrics of success, so that you can share your results with us in a feedback form. Join our community!
Goal and target audience
Method description

An onboarding methodology which was designed to be applied in communities of practice (CoP). This technique can help new members to get acquainted with the opportunities available in the community in order to get the most of their personal goals.

Leaders of CoP can follow a series of steps to determine the initial motivations and educational goals of their new members. The methodology allows community leaders to structure the onboarding process, which focuses on matching members' educational goals with educational opportunities available within a specific CoP. This way, new members can assess the relevance of their request and what this community has to offer.

Target audience

Members of professional communities with an articulated educational position or with a desire to determine such a position. It can be junior specialists just starting their careers or transitioning to a new professional field, as well as senior specialists in a sustainable career phase.

Reasons to apply the method from the point of view of a community member:

  • Determine the optimal role and level of involvement in a certain community
  • Formulate educational goals and objectives to be reached in the community
  • Assess available opportunities and mechanisms of engagement into community life

Reasons to apply the method from the point of view of a community leader:

  • Make participants aware of opportunities and formats of engagement at different levels and stages of community life
  • Identify barriers to the inclusion of new members and possible areas of miscommunication between the community and new members
  • Receive survey-based analytics covering formats relevant for most members, topics that interest them and their expectations from the community
Main concepts
Professional community provides a valuable and often underappreciated resource for its members' development. At the same time, in order to take advantage of this educational potential, participants must be ready to work towards achieving their goals. Development opportunities provided by the community and the value it generates should be matched by the effort required of new participants to engage in life and development of this community.

Such community "barometer", implemented in the form of a checklist or a system of reflexive questions or a test of indicators would definitely help save a lot of time and approach the process of one's own development in a more conscientious way. One should more frequently ask oneself the question, 'Can it be that this group of people constitutes my training class?'
Key terms
The research of various CoP and their interaction formats revealed that most of them have the same structure with the following discernible roles:

The reader—a community member who is consuming content but is not yet ready to create it. He distances himself more from the community than identifies with it.

The writer—a community member who generates commentary on a regular basis. He consumes and produces content, but bears responsibility only for his own actions and not the entire community.

The editor—the core of the community, a person who is responsible for the community's agenda and the trajectory of its development. It can be someone from the founders team or one the most active writers who got promoted over time.

Subject analysis revealed that participants' realisation of their own educational goals and educational position is key to shaping their involvement in the community life and their possible transition to more active roles in the future. An initial match between the following parameters set by the participant and the community has significant influence as well:

  1. Values and principles
  2. Resources required for participation and the amount that a person already has and is ready to invest
  3. Interaction format and expectations from the community environment
We believe that the central parameter which has to be in sync is the alignment of the participant's educational position with what the community has to offer.

Educational position—attitude to the educational process, understanding of its meaning, purpose and expected result. It is rooted in a person's journey towards the present moment, their attitude to the industry they work in, perception of the context in which they exist, their plans for the future, as well as their asking themselves the question of where to go next and why.
Method description
The technique can be applied as follows:

  1. The community leader fills out a designated questionnaire. Based on the answers, a questionnaire for the participants is formed.
  2. The questionnaire is available as an onboarding activity for all new members, designed to help them better understand their educational goals and interests through reflective questions. Members who have already been in the community for some time can also occasionally get back to the questionnaire, as their needs and requests might have changed.
The questionnaire could be offered via a chatbot through all communication channels of the community. The chatbot format not only adds a gamification element to the process, but also allows to provide information on the main forms of community activities upon request.

The logic behind the questions is based on a cycle of reflective questions from the study: role → goals → resources → principles and values → content → environment → contribution.
Questions for new members and community leaders are arranged into groups corresponding the sections mentioned above:
Experiment design
Purpose of the study

To test a tool that will allow community leaders to structure the process of onboarding for new participants with a focus on matching their educational requests. Community members will be able to assess the relevance of their requests and what the community has to offer.


  1. Using reflective onboarding will simplify the process of inclusion of participants in the life of the community.
  2. Reflective onboarding will allow participants to purposefully reflect on their own educational positions.
  3. Reflective onboarding will allow participants to draw faster conclusions about the practical benefits of their participation in the life of the community.
  4. Analytics obtained using the onboarding methodology will allow the editorial team to initiate more relevant activity formats for community members.
  5. The onboarding methodology can be modified depending on the specifics of the community and fine-tuned after the members of the editorial team fill out the initial survey.


1. NPS—an approach to measuring the match and the loyalty (score on a 10-point scale, where % of responses over 8 points indicates confirmed loyalty):

  • Community value for the members
  • Opportunities to accomplish personal educational goals
  • Classic NPS: would you recommend the community to your colleagues / friends

2. Churn rate (the ratio of members who left the community to the total number of members) for new members before and after the introduction of the onboarding tool

3. Feedback from community leaders—how much easier this proposed framework made the process of selecting new members and interacting with their expectations.
Each team consists of experienced educators and a mentor who keeps the creative process going.
Producer and instructional designer
Learning Experience Designer
Educational Advisor, PhD, Beijing Normal University
Head of educational projects, Grinatom
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